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NO EXIT (The Apple Grove Gang #1) Page 4


  “Come on, let’s go to Pops’ Market. He’ll know what we should do,” Bug said.

  Cliff, Benny and Bug started to walk to the market. Their heads hung down and their steps were labored. After they had walked for a few minutes, Benny and Bug took turns dribbling the basketball. They made half-hearted bounce passes to each other.

  “Cliff, I’m really sorry you lost your job,” Bug said. “Cliff? Hello? Do you hear me?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just thinking. What am I going to do now? I can’t believe this. How will I pay my bills?” Cliff kicked a rock. “Now that I’ve lost both of my jobs, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  The boys stopped in their tracks and let Cliff continue walking without them. They put their arms around each other’s shoulders, huddling the way football players do when they make their plans.

  “Bug, here’s what we gotta do,” Benny said. “I think we should get the gang together and have a meeting. We need to figure this out and do it fast.”

  “Okay, let’s split up and get everybody. We’ll meet in the alley behind Pops’ Market. Cliff! Hey, Cliff!” Bug yelled.

  Cliff stopped and looked around. He suddenly realized that he was a block farther down Grove Street than Benny and Bug. Scratching his head, he waited for the boys to catch up with him. They told him the plans they had made, and they each ran off in a different direction.