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NO EXIT (The Apple Grove Gang #1) Page 6


  “Mom, if it takes one stick of butter and two and a half cups of flour to make twenty four cupcakes, how much would it take to make two hundred cupcakes?”

  “Cindy, what do you plan to do with two hundred cupcakes? Certainly those little friends of yours couldn’t eat that many. What on earth are you going to do, sell them?” Cindy’s mom hung another piece of laundry on the clothesline to dry.

  “I was just wondering,” Cindy said. “I’ve always wondered about that.”

  Her mom watched Cindy walk toward the house. “I know you’re up to something,” she said to herself. “Eight and one third sticks of butter and twelve and a half cups of flour,” she called to her daughter.

  Cindy took off running to the house yelling, without looking back, “Thanks, Mom! You’re the best!”